Everyone sleeps in. Wake up groggy and we wander around Hamburg for a couple hours to see the sights, and clean the van to get ready for week 2. At show time we drive up to a new venue in Hamburg, the Gun Club. Gun Club is situated in a side street just off the Reaperbahn, so parking a giant van is a fucked idea.
Tonight's show is the Gun Club's first, and our first show with a totally intimidating band. Warsong is a new band from Spain with members of Insomnio and No Escape, so they're all weathered pros. We're nervous as shit, so we go first, cramming the 4 of us up on a stage about 3 meters wide. There's an insane turnout for a monday show in a new club. BUT, for the all the nervous angst, we do really well.
Warsong takes the stage and is completely magnetic, really driving punk that I hate to call melodic, but a fitting follow up to the other bands these guys have been in. Really solid show, everyone's crammed up front.
Day 9 (January 3rd) : DNA in Brussels

We pull up to the club in Brussels, a big town with a less-than-legendary punk history, The Kids are from Belgium right? The club, DNA, is in this sort of hopping part of downtown. Looking in the front window, it's full of a construction crew, putting in a new bar, installing lights, sweeping the floors. Not sure if we've completely fucked up, we go in and ask the promoter if we're playing (there are no flyers out front with our name on them), he insists we are, and shoves the soundguy at us, a sweet guy named Nico. Nico hobbles together a sound system from underneith buckets, and takes us around the corner for belgian fries slathered in mayo and roumalade. We return to the club, verify that we're the only ones on the bill, shrug and soundcheck.

We slide back to the van, trying to decide where to sleep tonight, blaring 60's girl group music out the side door and hollerin' at every drunk unlucky enough to walk down the street. We look at the map, tomorrow is a day off and the following is our show in Zurich. We have to cut through France to get there, and the french border is 2 hours away. Most of us have never been to France. Fuck it, we sleep in France!
Day 10 (January 4th) : Storming the Castle
We wake up in a fancy rest-stop just south of the France border, with a breakfast megaplex and bathrooms that don't charge 50 cents for you to poop. Heaven. Big breakfast of oranges and ham and croissants and coca-cola. True thing about the french: their nationalistic government doesn't educate them on neighbor's languages for shit, so the veil of communication is extra thick. It's not that these people are rude, they just expect you to Parlez Francais or Die. We heft the rest of the 5 hours to the educated Swiss border.
During the drive, Ashley pipes up "Man we have the day off, I wanna be in a fucking CASTLE!". We cross into Basel, and there up on a bluff is an enormous burg. We creep the van up this steep drive, the castle's visitor center is definitely closed, but the gate is wide open. We're all so stoked. We creep in and start to take photos:

Wrap up the night with Chinese food down in town, hoping for a place to drink after. With no luck, we drive to the outskirts of Zurich, buy an overpriced english-language erotica magazine, and sleep it off in a Shell parking lot.
Day 10 (January 5th): Dynamo in Zurich

We decide in the morning to get some breakfast with more home flavor, so we make our way to the Stars & Stripes American Bar and Restaurant, an american-themed restaurant with an atmosphere like a Cracker Barrel, teaming with oil paintings of John Wayne. No one really warns you about this, but Switzerland is about twice as expensive as every other nation in Europe, so that made our meal of half cooked french fries and Cadillac Nachos the worst 70 dollar meal anyone has ever had. Fuck.
Day 10 (January 5th): Dynamo in Zurich
We decide in the morning to get some breakfast with more home flavor, so we make our way to the Stars & Stripes American Bar and Restaurant, an american-themed restaurant with an atmosphere like a Cracker Barrel, teaming with oil paintings of John Wayne. No one really warns you about this, but Switzerland is about twice as expensive as every other nation in Europe, so that made our meal of half cooked french fries and Cadillac Nachos the worst 70 dollar meal anyone has ever had. Fuck.
We play a really great set after Hysterese, atleast a crew of young kids in Nirvana shirts are way into it. We load off, and watch Shady and the Vamp stomp the fuck out of the room. The locals are way into Obstrusive, who apparently are really well established in Europe. We file out to the main hall and a giant 80s skinhead dance party has broken out. Drinks:
The next morning is spent hungover and tearing through packages of cheese and english muffins. Trying to wake people with elbow drops and Billy Joel songs. Ian points us in the direction of Mannheim. Hysterse and Doom Town are off to their next show.
Day 11 (January 6th): JUZ in Mannheim

We play first and like all of the shows on this tour, everyone is mysteriously excited. We play super tight, and people buy a pile of records from us. When Hysterese starts up, people are going off the walls. Warsong gets a really warm reception as well. We spend a lot of time talking to Litty, a local record disto/label hound, who points me to some St Louis punk graffiti in the back of the JUZ:

The beers, like all of tour, are free, and everyone is Mannheim wants to debate midwestern hardcore, or american political jingoism, or who can out kicker who. Beautiful:

Late that night after most of the bands have gone to bed, Shaun challenges the members of Hysterese to feats of strength:
The next morning we drag ourselves out of our concrete bunker bedroom to make way to Munich.
Day 12 (January 7th): Kafe Kult in Munich
Most of the drives at this point in tour are cake. 3 hours across the beautiful Bavarian country. Kafe Kult is nestled in a corner of an industrial housing park outside of Munich. We pull in and load, warmly greeted by the volunteers who run the space. It's a long practice space with a great venue inside, tall stage. We're really excited about our show that night, it's been set up by Michl from Taken By Suprise records, and we're playing with Blank Pages, an amazing band that's just released a great 7 inch.

The place fills up. A bunch of kids have driven in to see the show, and it's only the two bands. We start and have a really tight set, everything clicks really well on stage. After we're done the bass player of Blank Pages confides in us "I heard you on the internet, I think not so good, but now I see you, and very good live, but not internet." We're sure the fuck better than these clowns. Blank Pages goes on and everyone in the room goes off. An insane live show. After the set Michl takes over the PA and starts ipoding endless hits. We and the members of Blank Pages run the dancefloor and start acting like total clowns. More drinks and dancing, more flipped stools, more bar dives.
At some point in the night we raid the kitchen to make some late night grub. Endless provocations from Blank Pages, and Alex and Shaun get in it:
This goes on until sunrise. We catch some sleep before breakfast, when Michl takes us to the beautiful Augustiner Bräustuben, an enormous brewery in downtown Munich (it was used as the set for the chocolate factory in the Johnny Depp version of Willy Wonka).
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